Monday, August 23, 2010

Fight or Flight?

The political left try to divert the real objectives of the Tea Party movement by arguing that taxes are low for the middle class and that Obama intends to continue the Bush tax cuts for those making less than $200,000 per year. (Those on the bottom half of the economic spectrum don't pay any income taxes.)

But the Tea Party people aren't complaining about current tax levels. They see the huge amounts of deficit spending and the costly laws that the liberals are passing or trying to pass and they understand that huge deficits and enormous levels of debt will translate into either higher taxes or inflation or a combination of the two.

So the members of the Tea Party are organizing and exchanging information in order to replace the liberal members of the Congress with candidates who seem to reflect the goals of the Tea Party for a smaller government, less spending and less taxes. Of course, voting for newcomers is a lot like buying the proverbial "pig in a poke". We won't know if the new comers are just jumping on a bandwagon or are sincere in their intentions and have the fortitude to resist the siren call of power and influence.

Meanwhile, there are some of us who remember the very limited success of the "Contract with America" where a lot of newcomers went to Washington and quickly got indoctrinated with the way things are done in the "Land of Oz." (The crystal city was not in Kansas; it was in Washington.)

I currently have four clients who have retained me to help them with the paperwork to expatriate. That means they are going to give up their U.S. citizenship. For those who don't have any confidence that the Tea Party or anyone else can really change things in Washington, flight is their choice. And there are many indications that flight is becoming the choice for a lot more people.

For myself and my wife, we are at an age and have a family situation such that we are going to stay. Since we have ruled out the choice of flight, we intend to do what we can to join the fight -- even if past efforts to turn things around were not successful. At a minimum, I will continue to share what I'm learning about the issues with those who may have an interest in one more voice for freedom.

As Glenn Beck and some other have concluded, the first step is for all of us to learn about the history of the Progressive Liberal movement so that we can better understand what is happening now. The second step is for each of us to share our discoveries with others and to encourage them to become politically aware.

Just my two cents.

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