Friday, May 21, 2010

The Greatest Threat to Your Wealth

Asset protection planning appeals to those of us who are constantly subject to lawsuits and predatory litigation. But the greatest danger to accumulated wealth is our government.

They can take an unlimited share of our income with the income tax. They can take a large bite out of the money we spend with an assortment of excise taxes, a national sales tax or value added tax. Although the estate tax is presently repealed for 2010, it isn't going to stay that way and they can set the estate tax at any level to consume any portion of an estate. They impose an exit tax on any unrealized gains and deferred income if we give up our citizenship or resident status. If they want, they could even impose an exit tax on assets and confiscate any percentage of our assets if we wish to leave. Obscenely excessive fines and penalties can be imposed for alleged money laundering or for failing to comply with a mind boggling assortment of very confusing laws. And, if we are merely accused of any one of a variety of crimes, they can confiscate our property under the forfeiture laws.

What can you do to protect your wealth from these threats?

As long as we are still a country of laws, we can look to the various laws to identify legal (allowed) ways to hold assets or to dispose of assets to children or grandchildren. For now, it is still legal to move money offshore, even though offshore assets may need to be disclosed each year. And, for now, each person can take their assets with them if they expatriate and settle up with the IRS on any untaxed gains or deferred income.

But it seems to me that the doors are closing on both domestic and offshore methods of asset protection if the government is the party that wants our assets. Hopefully, it is mostly because the far left lunatic fringe of the Democratic party is in control and they are pushing through every change they can that will move us closer to a Socialist society. Perhaps the Tea Party and the Conservatives can get rid of enough Democrats and Liberals this fall to put a stop to this crazy frenzy of "progressive" legislation. But it seems highly unlikely that anything that has already been turned into a law will be repealed. Our move toward the European style of Socialism is like taking three steps forward and two steps back -- but the momentum is clearly for more government rather than for less.

Meanwhile, there are relatively few legal structures that can survive a challenge by a rogue government -- which is what we will most surely have if the November elections do not result in a sea change in the Congress. So maybe it's time to invest some time and money in helping to "kick the rascals out" this fall. Otherwise, the only way I can think of to preserve your wealth will be to leave the U.S. after becoming a citizen of some other country. And if we don't kick enough rascals out this fall, even that option may be extremely limited.

That's my two cents.


1 comment:

  1. There is a lots and lots of information about tax assessment is quite useful informative to us....I am happy greatly enjoying of this nice post...All you post are real benefit to us....Thanks for sharing this with us....

